Friday, December 23, 2011

Noun: a small waterfall

I'd like to think that the cascade of tears down my face is not a sign of weakness, but maybe in some inverted world, a sign of strength. Tears of someone who gives so much of themselves and accepts little with rarely ever a peep but more a sense of gratefulness that someone wishes to be around them sometimes. Tears of someone who keeps their sadness, anger, & frustration to themselves to keep from conflict. Tears of someone who loves with everything they've got, and would sacrifice almost anything just to make them happy. These are tears of a girl who wishes she could figure it out, knows she never will, but tries regardless.

Go lightly

When one's grip loosens, is it customary hold on tighter?
Or do you take control and let go completely?
When an elder world starts to mesh with the present
And a younger you prances before your closed eyelids
Perhaps you should evaluate
Is the repetition you are faced with of a soft nature?
Or one that haunts your dreams at night?

To tell you the truth, it does not matter
Be careful

Thursday, December 22, 2011

What are you made of?

Tonight is petty thoughts and irrational fears.
Tonight disillusion blends with seams of possibility 
Tonight is tension and internal bickering
Escape is welcome but at no simple cost 
One must wade through solution
No man should face such travesty