Monday, January 9, 2012

With a scowl on your small winter-greyed face, he holds you tight and whispers the words you secretly wish to hear the most. But you struggle and refuse to listen, passing said-words off as nonsense. He tells you you’re beautiful, that he’s lucky to have you, how unique and interesting you are, but you remain stubborn and upset for reasons you’re not entirely sure of. He takes note of this and tackles you to the bed, tickling you and smothering you with kisses and love you don’t feel you deserve. But he speaks words of sugar, and with the warmth of his soft but strong body atop of yours, that icy disposition you once had melts away like a Popsicle. Your body jerks beneath his with fits of giggles and screeching, not being able to fight back smiles and laughter anymore. And just like that, you don’t remember what was wrong in the first place, and all you can think about is how you’re really the lucky one.