Tuesday, April 12, 2011

koala bear pt. 2

I miss you, but..
You're fading into a memory.
And that scares me a little bit, to be honest.
In desperate times, I think back to our rituals.
Look back at our videos, so I won't completely forget.
I remember our silly dances, I remember your bear smile, I remember the sweet music you once wrote for me, I remember the warmth of your protective embrace.
But I lost your smell, I lost the constellations on your back, and I have to dig deep just to remember the color of your eyes.
Sometimes I still come near crying at the thought of it all.
But for reasons unknown, I'm not able anymore.
Tears refuse to fall, even when I want them to.
Something tells me that it's a sign of indifference,
That I really might be done.
I think my body has decided that it has finished aching for you.
I wish my head could just get the memo.

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